Yes, the Q An0n group brags about these levels of clearance…. I just hope our Country makes it through this.

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I was PRP-cleared in the Army during the Cold War.

This seriously scares the hell out of me.

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Thanks for standing on the line! I share your concern. My baseline for all things nuclear, civil and military, and especially military is our luck has got to run out one day. These clowns are doing all they can to make that day come as fast as possible.

I am sure you know about this but I offer it for others —>

On nuclear luck - the following superb book should be mandatory reading. It outlines all the accidents that have happened. Thus far. There is no need to play chicken with nukes. This is what happens when politics becomes entertainment.

I would also add that having nuked Greenland with 4 × 1.1megaton bombs (72 times Hiroshima), perhaps we are not in a position to dictate to Denmark what it means to be a good ally - let alone threaten an unprovoked war of territorial conquest against an ally? Just saying.

Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety https://g.co/kgs/bqi4XJU

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Putins plan it’s in his playbook.

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