
I have a draft in my list of "to write" on The Big One entitled just that. It is in reaction to this clip and the meaning behind it

“This Ukraine crisis that we’re in right now, this is just the warmup,” Navy Admiral Charles Richard, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, said this week at a conference. “The big one is coming. And it isn’t going to be very long before we’re going to get tested in ways that we haven’t been tested” for “a long time.”

This is signaling too. But of a whole different kind. I am deep in the J6C report but will get to the big one when I can!

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As sad as it is to say, the next detonation, where ever it happens, will come with a silver lining.

There's no chance of getting rid of nukes in the current group consensus of wishful thinking denial.

It's going to take some real world event to shake that denial out of it's slumbers. 70+ years of logic, reason, facts, history, expert analysis and activism etc has accomplished nothing.

The ideal wake up detonation would be a nuclear weapons accident in the United States, as this would not lead to a war.

We're not going to escape the next detonation, so it's better if it's a limited event than we keep on drifting towards The Big One.

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